
WebIssues website

Submitted by mimec on

After almost 7 month of development, the first official version of WebIssues is almost done. It will be released about September 20th. The website of the project - - is now under construction; more information will be available in a few days.

What can I say - after putting so much work into it, I'm very anxious what you will say about the program and what will be its future. I hope you will find it interesting and useful.

You can also notice that I made a face lifting of all web sites. The new graphical style is... uhm, quite original, but I personally like it. There is also some new stuff available - I updated my biography and published a few photos in the gallery.

Working on WebIssues again

Submitted by mimec on

I just wanted to drop a note that I'm still alive and I recently returned to work on WebIssues. I redesigned the system a little bit and currently I'm implementing new ideas and features. The first beta version should be available for download in a few months.

My overtime job is completed for now, so I will finally have more time to spend on open source development. Well, it is kind of overtime job too, but somehow I feel more motivated to work when I don't get paid. Humans are very strange creatures, aren't they?

And by the way, I've just played with the Programs section and added some more useful information, so check it out if you're curious what I'm planning to do in the nearest future. I know, there's a lot of work, but looking at what I've done for the last two years I become optimistic.


Fraqtive and MFC articles

Submitted by mimec on

Yesterday I created a web site for Fraqtive, a fractal generator for KDE written by me. The official address is now Some parts are still missing, for example a forum and the binary packages, but the source packages can be downloaded.

Today I moved my MFC articles, along with all 230 comments posted over the past few years. These articles are still quite popular, even though MFC is a rather old technology, and honestly it's pain in the ass to use it. Yeah, I know, too much time spent with Qt :). I can't fully support these articles, simply because I forgot most of the MFC hacks I used to know... however here they are, if anyone finds them useful.

Welcome to

Submitted by mimec on

My domain and hosting service was launched today and the entire site will be available as soon as I move some contents from the previous site. I'm no longer a student so I can't use my university's server any more. Besides it's going to be shut down by the end of the year anyway. They're putting those shiny Windows machines everywhere now and they can't stand that old, rusty Unix machine running somewhere in the basement... sign of our times, I guess.

Back to the point, I'm still waiting for some time to move everything here and also publish some new stuff that I recently made, for example my master's thesis. It won't be easy since I have a full time job and an additional task to do at work (I volunteered so I can't complain :). So please be patient and just visit this site from time to time.

Finally, a note for all Polish speaking folks. Maintaining a two-language site is a nightmare, so it will be entirely in English. Since most things published here are interesting only for programmers and other geeks, I hope it won't be a problem.
